Helping You Help Ukraine
We will help you discern and clarify your calling and how you can formulate a concrete response to that call.
Whether your timeframe is immediate like feed refugees or fight against Russians, or long-term post-war rebuilding, PoP will make time for you.
- Social Entrepreneurial idea (non-profit or for-profit)
- Join existing projects (paid or unpaid)
- Redirecting one’s existing efforts to needs of Ukraine
Have an idea you’re not sure you’re the one to implement? Let’s discuss.
*(small) teams also welcome.
Creativity is key to defeating tyranny

HOW can I help you?
As a sounding board.
I can help you answer questions like:
- (How) can you be effective: would you really help–or get in the way?
- What-–and how-–will you tell your family, friends, colleagues…?
- Does this effort/project utilize your natural gifts and talents?
- Who else should you ask for help?
All conversations strictly confidential. 100% pro bono: no cost/obligation.
I have over 20 years experience helping people make and implement the biggest decisions of their careers–and lives. This includes launching (or pivoting) businesses, moving internationally, going to MBA/grad school programs, and quitting the jobs that make that possible. (read more)
Also, I have a half-dozen years living, while working and studying, in East-Central Europe. I know the cultures, languages, contexts, challenges and people.
WHY I want to help
I owe Ukraine.
In ‘95, working–and considering moving there–Ukraine, though she had so little, gave me so much. This included the deepest and most dynamic hospitality I’ve ever experienced.
But more important still, she gave me my entrepreneurial epiphany: a moment of clarity amidst a cacophony of callings. That led me to return to neighboring Poland, immediately pitch my idea, quit my job and launch a magazine business that I sold some years later, and continues to this day.
Help us to help you (help Ukraine)
Please fill out this Questionnaire:
You needn’t answer these fully. Just show that you can think through them.